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Yellow Pages Advertising in an ever-changing era.

There are so many distractions that pull on your attention. With all of this commotion, how are small businesses supposed to reach new customers? Most of them are so busy trying to dodge advertisements, it seems like an impossible feat. To understand how to cut through to your customer, you will need to know more about their habits. You need to be in the right place, at the right time.

There are two types of advertising that you need to consider when targeting customers.

The first is the type that most people try to avoid. It is called Promotional Advertising. Sale Today! Stop Here! 50% off! They’re on billboards, pop-ups, email blasts, newspaper ads, radio commercials, and sooooo much more. This type of advertising helps with branding awareness. You may not want the burger on the billboard now, but you recall the golden arches when you’re hungry.

The second type of advertising is one that consumers seek out. Directional Advertising, is when someone is looking to purchase something. They are on the hunt and know what they want. These customers just need you to be there when they are looking. Where do ready-to-buy customers go? They are searching in the Yellow Pages and online search engines. They want to order a pizza, so they find the number and call. They NEED a plumber, they find a number and call. They need a new dentist or doctor… you get the idea.


So are you online?

Are you advertising or properly listed in your local phone book Yellow Pages? It seems obvious to some but there are a LOT of small businesses that aren’t visible when customers are looking for their products or services. It can make a big difference over the course of a year if you are left out of the Yellow Pages.


When business slows down, what can keep you afloat? Persistence is vital in todays market. The advertisers who stayed consistent with their presence in the Yellow Pages took less of a hit in the recession than those who dropped out.


“Take out a Yellow Pages ad. Simple as it may seem, an ad in the telephone directory can be a smart choice for many small companies. It won’t break the bank. It won’t bring in a flood of new business either – and that’s ok. You don’t need to deluge, you need a steady flow… It’s an extremely effective means of putting your company’s name in the right place at the right time.”(Kuk-Baldwin & Associates)

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